Comments on: When to use JSR 286 vs JSR 168 for portlets /adobe-blog/2011/08/26/when-to-use-jsr-286-vs-jsr-186-for-portlets/ Perspectives on Adobe Digital Marketing Platform Technologies Fri, 27 May 2016 18:28:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Westfall /adobe-blog/2011/08/26/when-to-use-jsr-286-vs-jsr-186-for-portlets/#comment-33 Fri, 26 Aug 2011 12:22:23 +0000 Mark,
We had a project last year where we were also implementing the Google Search Appliance (GSA) into the Portal environment (Portal and WWCM). One of our biggest challenges was how to crawl the content from WWCM and index them properly to be returned in results when using the GSA.

After going through various design discussions, we found that we could leverage the seed list features of the JSR286 portlet in order to extract the various content URLs required for the crawl and index. It took some effort to write a custom connector to make it all work and to apply customer-specific filtering and collections. However, we did manage to get it all to work in the end, thanks to the seed list feature of the portlet. Without this, the GSA would not have been a viable solution for the customer.

Thanks for blog post – Jason Westfall
