Adobe Summit: Keynote Mobile, Audi, Sephora | Adobe


Perspectives on Adobe Digital Marketing Platform Technologies

Adobe Summit: Keynote Mobile, Audi, Sephora


The Marketing Cloud will support mobile app assets.  It’s part of the unified digital assets services within the cloud.

  • This new functionality lets you connect Phone Gap apps to the apps that are in the Marketing Cloud
  • Showed the list of Audi apps
  • Showed the Audi car configurator app which allowed the presenter to download and install the app directly to his phone.  Note: this was an app in production.
    • This process used to take days to get a dev app to someone’s phones
  • Showed the app on multiple devices
  • Really cool: He made one change to an existing app in the app store on the marketing cloud.  That change was pushed out to all the other devices in a real time manner.
    • I’m partially sold on their mobile approach
  • The store integrates web analytics and campaign reporting info
    • Who downloads it
    • who launches
    • how it’s used
    • how campaigns worked
    • etc.

Audi GM of Digital Strategy and Technology Jeff Titus

Note: The demo used many different Audi apps.

Audi recognizes that the entire digital experience of our brand is important.  You need to relate to customers on their own terms.  You bring a good experience where they are.  Audi City is a virtual showroom that allows you to be very interactive.  In the show room, you work with a hi-res digital interface in very large screens.   Imagine building the car of your dreams and available in a larger than life experience at the dealership.   You get to pickup where the customer left off when they reach the show room floor.

Technology in the car

  • Recognize that people have their devices and their own unique expectations
  • Picture navigation in the new A3
  • Facebook availalble but not while driving
  • Google maps navigation now part of the experience
  • Want to bring the technologies that make sense in the lifestyle of the customer

The Audi A3 is geared towards Millennials. It will have a plugin hybrid version in 2013.

Continuous Delivery as a process.  To Audi it’s a revolution.  A developer commits an idea through a deployment pipeline through a series of automated tests.  Shaping the requirements you have in a way that can be actionable and can be turned into a series of tests.  If you can do this, it will save you a lot of money and a lot of time.   It’s a change. It’s a revolution.  Audi is practicing it on a daily basis.

Julie Bornstein,  CMO of Sephora

What have you seen change over time: from threat to brick and mortar stores to digital being a weapon.  Originally the internet was a one way street.  The stores would get feedback but not the sites.  Now, they have much more information and feedback online.  It’s much more complex than it used to be.  It’s no longer just an e-commerce site.
Sephora uses a mobile app to serve as a bridge between online and the store.  It tracks past purchases, lets you read reviews when in a store, gives you the customer card, and sets up opportunities for more mobile interactions.  The Color IQ section in the iPad gives some education. The iPad is also avaiallble in the store.  QR codes work as well.

How does the organization help or hinder the digital process? In the last two years, they’ve realized what a critical asset it is.  They brought in an amazing technology team to do this.  They start with a consumer experience and then user their technical partner. The investment in the team has made them an asset.

Quote: The CIO is my best friend.

Julie also noted the cross channel campaigns in stores, print, and online.  She is excited to use the Adobe tools as the continue down this path.

What advice do you give: There are three really interesting trends

  1. Globalization- Korean pop star creates a YouTube video and a week later boys in CA are singing it.  It makes a lot of the differences irrelevant to the consumer.  Skin care trends in China can come to the US very quickly
  2. Personalization –
  3. Content – the idea that content and commerce are coming together. The power of the consumer experience in any channel has become more important.

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