Adobe Summit: Keynote with Yancey Strickler | Adobe


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Adobe Summit: Keynote with Yancey Strickler

Why do people support Kickstarter with over $1 billion pledge

  1. People are amazing
  2. Ideas are the future
  3. We are all capable of creating incredible things

You see a huge community of people who are trying to shape the world.  Here are a few things that have happened over the past five years.

Veronica Mars

It had a huge Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell tried to get it going on Kickstarter.  Ten hours later, they raised $2Million. They ultimately raised $6 Million.  Hollywood said no and fans said yes.


The first big smartwatch.  Raised $10 Million to create 100,000 smartwatches

The average project raises about $85,000.

  • First squirrel census
  • First civilian space suit
  • Open source geiger counter – from expensive to cheap.  It’s the largest citizen science project in the world
  • Bus sto pin Georgia
  • Human powered helicopter
  • A Delorean hovercraft
  • Skate park in Philadelphia
  • An Oscar winning film

62% of the Kickstarter money is from returning backers.   You support it because you get a copy when it’s made.  You support because you want it to be around.  The first translation of the Ilead by Alexander Pope came from 700 subscribers……one early example of Kickstarter.

Quote: Empathy is a primary economic driver, Adam Smith

Quote: A successful Kickstarter project should benefit it’s backers as much as it’s creator

The creators of the Pebble watch shared the experience as they had to expand their supply chain.  This came to supporters of the project.

Double Fine Adventure

The first blockbuster video game. They raised over $1 Million in just a few hours.  It was deeply collaborative because supporters saw the painful game development process.   The end result was Broken Age.

Cosmonaut project

This is an example of the sharing on how it was made.

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