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Sean Dickson (Adobe) and Kathleen (Intuit) presented at Adobe Summit 2015 on identity management. This becomes increasingly important with the proliferation of both channels/devices and services (think all the services in the Adobe Marketing Cloud)

working_on_computer_shutterstock_wordpressMapping the customer journey and marketing touchpoints in the cross-device ecosystem is critical to understanding the path to conversion. The data management platform (DMP) has evolved into an identity management platform with marketers now having the ability to identify customers across various personal devices. In this session, we’ll talk with Adobe AudienceManager customers and experts as we tackle the shift from data management to identity management.

Question: Why do we care about data?

Answer: because of what it tells us about people.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bulid a business case for identity
  2. Educate and align people on what it is
  3. Developer a customer centric view to increase ROI through the identity

Digital Identity is complex

  • anonymous
    • product search
    • Clicks on product
    • Views on ads
    • 3rd party data
  • Known User
    • Signed in
    • Purchase history
    • Precise demo
    • Offline CRM
    • Registration info

Think of four steps

  1. Listen – what do you know about the user from social, crm, and erd parties
  2. Decide – How do ai want to combine this info for a given channel
  3. Assemble – a dynamic profile merged from appropriate sources
  4. Deliver – the right experience to the right targeting channel at the right time

Question: What can you do with profiles across devices?

Audience Manager and profile management capabilities allow you to specify conditions under which to merge profiles across devices.  Think of everything you track while the user is anonymous and on the web. Now think about what you gain.  Once logged in, you can log that device and actions into the profile.  This is called deterministic identity management (link with login id)

Question: What can you do within a single device?

Audience Manager provides device and profile management capabilities that allow you to specify the conditions under which to merge multiple profiles within  device

Think about Jennifer picking up the iPad, logging in, doing a variety of things then Ben logs in.  Under this scenario, you might want to use only the current authenticated profile.  But you do have a choice to merge current user, last known user, or all users on a device.

Think of this as a household scenario.

Question: What is involved in a rollout?

1. Deploy a JavaScript library (Declared ID DIL)  This captures login ID at moment of authentication

2. Deploy Mobile SKD: This is the same thing but not as JavaScript. Still grabs authenticated id to create known profile.

3. Probabilistic Platform Integration: Connect profiles across ad inventory based on certain key strings.  You can extend your identity management beyond the known.

Few Items to Consider

  • Known profile does not have to mean PII (personally identifiable information)
  • Merging anonymous and known profile data depends on context.
    • Does your privacy policy allow for this for examples
    • What type of data are you merging?
    • What state is the user in when targeting the user (logged in, not logged in now?)  May want to be careful about what you say to them depending on that state.
  • Attribution tracking of anonymous activities

Identity Management at Intuit

Kathleen spoke about Intuit Turbo Tax journey with Adobe Audience Manager (AAM).

Question: Why identity management at AAM?

Answer: the world is changing from mass consumption as one screen to consumption across many devices.

TurboTax started mobile with a heavy investment in product.  Started with SnapTax app four years ago.  Last year, they realized that wasn’t good enough and reinvented the mobile experience to a native TurboTax experience across channels.

Aligning the Organization, Definition, and Team

Have to think in terms of the different considerations to leverage identity. Marketing, Engineering, Analytics, Privacy.

Leveraging Cross-Device Behavior (informed customer centric views)

Intuit tries to think about what value they can bring to those who already bought the service and filed for a refund.  In that case it might be about getting them to use Mint, another product in the Intuit family.

Cross-device targeting can get expensive if you deliver the same ad again to a user who already has your service or who just got it on another device.  May want to think about how to drop them out.

Adobe Summit: Identity Management Across Devices was first posted on March 10, 2015 at 7:10 pm.
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