Collaboration – Adobe /adobe-blog Perspectives on Adobe Digital Marketing Platform Technologies Wed, 22 Jun 2016 17:47:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Copyright © Perficient Blogs 2011 (Adobe) (Adobe) /adobe-blog/wp-content/plugins/podpress/images/powered_by_podpress.jpg Adobe /adobe-blog 144 144 Blogs at Perficient Adobe Adobe no no Adobe Summit: Keynote with Yancey Strickler /adobe-blog/2014/03/25/adobe-summit-keynote-with-yancey-strickler/ /adobe-blog/2014/03/25/adobe-summit-keynote-with-yancey-strickler/#respond Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:05:42 +0000 Adobe Summit: Keynote with Yancey Strickler was first posted on March 25, 2014 at 12:05 pm.
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Why do people support Kickstarter with over $1 billion pledge

  1. People are amazing
  2. Ideas are the future
  3. We are all capable of creating incredible things

You see a huge community of people who are trying to shape the world.  Here are a few things that have happened over the past five years.

Veronica Mars

It had a huge Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell tried to get it going on Kickstarter.  Ten hours later, they raised $2Million. They ultimately raised $6 Million.  Hollywood said no and fans said yes.


The first big smartwatch.  Raised $10 Million to create 100,000 smartwatches

The average project raises about $85,000.

  • First squirrel census
  • First civilian space suit
  • Open source geiger counter – from expensive to cheap.  It’s the largest citizen science project in the world
  • Bus sto pin Georgia
  • Human powered helicopter
  • A Delorean hovercraft
  • Skate park in Philadelphia
  • An Oscar winning film

62% of the Kickstarter money is from returning backers.   You support it because you get a copy when it’s made.  You support because you want it to be around.  The first translation of the Ilead by Alexander Pope came from 700 subscribers……one early example of Kickstarter.

Quote: Empathy is a primary economic driver, Adam Smith

Quote: A successful Kickstarter project should benefit it’s backers as much as it’s creator

The creators of the Pebble watch shared the experience as they had to expand their supply chain.  This came to supporters of the project.

Double Fine Adventure

The first blockbuster video game. They raised over $1 Million in just a few hours.  It was deeply collaborative because supporters saw the painful game development process.   The end result was Broken Age.

Cosmonaut project

This is an example of the sharing on how it was made.

Adobe Summit: Keynote with Yancey Strickler was first posted on March 25, 2014 at 12:05 pm.
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My 4 days in the Desert with Adobe — Part 2 /adobe-blog/2014/03/07/my-4-days-in-the-dessert-part-2/ /adobe-blog/2014/03/07/my-4-days-in-the-dessert-part-2/#respond Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:00:20 +0000 My 4 days in the Desert with Adobe — Part 2 was first posted on March 7, 2014 at 8:00 am.
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As I mentioned in my last blog post, the time I spent in the desert with Adobe at the sales conference was incredibly valuable. As the best of breed digital platform, three key themes resonated with me and want to take the opportunity to delve a little deeper into the benefits of the adobe partnership and how it impacts the work we do for clients.

My 4 Days in the Desert with Adobe - Part 2One of the first things I learned is that Adobe has grown tremendously over the past few years and has really cemented its place as the leader in digital content creation and marketing. What was made equally clear is that Adobe’s stable of world-class partners has been instrumental to Adobe’s success. In fact, joint engagements between Adobe and its partners were brought up numerous times as examples of customer successes. This was true across verticals (e.g., Retail, Media, and Financial) and Adobe solutions (Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Marketing Cloud). Based on what I saw at the Worldwide Sales Conference, I expect Adobe will continue to engage with its digital agency and systems integration partners throughout 2014 and well into the future.

The second theme centered on the tremendous growth of digital marketing and the importance of creating a compelling and personalized customer experience. Marketers know that every interaction between a business and a customer is a marketing opportunity and a chance to drive revenue. The challenge is that customers control how, when and where they will interact with companies. In fact, customers use a multitude of channels (web, mobile, social, video) and devices (tablet, phone, computer) to engage with businesses. This creates a significant challenge for marketers to determine how and when to engage clients within each of these channels and provide a compelling reason for the customer to take the next step forward in the sales cycle. Adobe’s response to this was clear: Brands interested in driving significant revenue through digital channels must deliver the right message, to the right channel, at the right time. Creating this type of customer engagement requires a well-defined strategy and an enterprise-grade platform with deep solutions capabilities.

The final theme– which ran throughout the duration of the conference – was that Adobe’s strategy, vision, and product platforms – Creative Cloud and Marketing Cloud – have made it possible for businesses to deliver the digital experiences that clients expect. First, I want to segue to a little history lesson that provides context to Adobe’s approach to digital marketing.

Adobe has a deep heritage in digital content creation solutions (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, etc). Legions of digital marketers have been using Adobe’s creative products to generate extremely rich and engaging digital content for many years. The challenge for those marketers was twofold: how to manage all of that content and how to get that content to their customers. Thus, the strategy and vision of Marketing Cloud was born.

The vision for Marketing Cloud was to provide marketers with one location to manage, publish, and analyze the content they were creating. The first strategic step towards the creation of Marketing Cloud was focused on organic product development and/or acquisition of market-leading content management, analytics, mobile, social, customer segmentation, media optimization, and marketing campaign orchestration solutions. The second step of the process involved seamless interoperability between the Marketing Cloud systems and the creation of a Touch Interface to manage everything. This provided marketers with a singular and actionable view of the customer and a singular interface for the management of all marketing processes and activities. The final step for Adobe was to integrate the full suite of solutions from Creative Cloud to Marketing Cloud. This created a unified content creation, management, and publishing system that covered the full marketing lifecycle. Adobe’s strategy and subsequent cloud-based platforms provide end-to-end solutions for creative and digital marketers. By having the right tools in place, marketers can deliver on their vision: to provide the right message, to the right person at the right time.

This conference offered an outstanding opportunity to learn more about Adobe’s business, their solutions offerings, and also engage with key members of teams. I came away from the conference with a fuller understanding of Adobe’s sales and product strategies along with their key value propositions and differentiators from others in their space. I’m excited to see how Adobe’s latest acquisition of Neolane – now Adobe Campaign – will help to orchestrate successful online and offline marketing campaigns designed to drive increased revenue for our clients. Based on the Adobe Campaign sessions I attended and the conversations I’ve had with clients since then, I anticipate tremendous success for this solution.

My 4 days in the Desert with Adobe — Part 2 was first posted on March 7, 2014 at 8:00 am.
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My 4 Days in the Desert with Adobe – Part 1 /adobe-blog/2014/02/28/my-4-days-in-the-desert-with-adobe-part-1/ /adobe-blog/2014/02/28/my-4-days-in-the-desert-with-adobe-part-1/#respond Fri, 28 Feb 2014 18:30:51 +0000 My 4 Days in the Desert with Adobe – Part 1 was first posted on February 28, 2014 at 12:30 pm.
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In mid-December, I attended the Adobe Worldwide Sales Conference in Las Vegas. It’s a time when Adobe invites its entire sales organization – along with Adobe’s key partners – to discuss the past year’s performance, celebrate the major sales successes, and layout the company’s sales and product strategies for the next year.

My 4 Days in the Desert with AdobeAs Forrester & Gartner’s leader in Web Content Management, Adobe certainly has much to discuss and no lack of thought leadership within the Digital Marketing arena. However, what I found truly compelling about the conference was the level of transparency Adobe provides to its partners. Partners have full access to all sales and product sessions and are very deeply engaged with the Adobe team. This level of accessibility allows for tremendous learning opportunities for partners like Perficient. Here’s a peek into the top three themes that I learned from my 4 days in the desert with Adobe.

  1. Adobe has cemented its place as a leader in digital content creation and marketing.
  2. As marketers we are tasked with creating compelling and personalized customer experiences each and every day.
  3. Adobe’s strategy, vision, and product platforms – Creative Cloud and Marketing Cloud – have made it possible for businesses to deliver the digital experiences that marketers expect.

Adobe has created the market-leading, best-of-breed digital marketing platform while simultaneously helping their clients deliver a deep set of capabilities and engage their customers with “the right message, to the right channel, at the right time”. In the coming weeks, I’ll be continuing to blog about my Adobe experience and provide more details and context around these themes.

My 4 Days in the Desert with Adobe – Part 1 was first posted on February 28, 2014 at 12:30 pm.
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Adobe CQ 5.5 Social Communities /adobe-blog/2012/06/18/adobe-cq-5-5-social-communities/ /adobe-blog/2012/06/18/adobe-cq-5-5-social-communities/#respond Mon, 18 Jun 2012 14:45:00 +0000 Adobe CQ 5.5 Social Communities was first posted on June 18, 2012 at 9:45 am.
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Back in March, Adobe launched a new version of its CQ product and I blogged about it a couple of times:

At the time of the announcement, Adobe also announced CQ 5.5 Social Communities, but had not yet shipped that feature.  Well, I missed the original shipping announcement, so I’m catching up to it now.

On May 15, 2012, Adobe announced that CQ 5.5 Social Communities was available.  Social Communities builds on to some existing features already available in Adobe CQ 5.5, such as “developing and managing blogs, forums, comments, and ratings, as well as connecting to social networks, across all aspects of an organization’s digital presence”.

You can now include login to CQ 5 using Twitter or Facebook and then personalize their experience using information from their profile or data from other systems.  Adobe has included several social plugins in CQ 5.5 that include:Activity feeds

  • “Like” buttons
  • Comments
  • Twitter Share
  • Twitter Follow
  • Twitter Search

These new features will make it even easier for site managers to add social capabilities to their websites.

You can see a video of some of the social plugins on YouTube or inline below.



Adobe CQ 5.5 Social Communities was first posted on June 18, 2012 at 9:45 am.
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Gartner PCC – User Experience Platform Update /adobe-blog/2012/03/12/gartner-pcc-user-experience-platform-update/ /adobe-blog/2012/03/12/gartner-pcc-user-experience-platform-update/#comments Mon, 12 Mar 2012 14:45:10 +0000 Gartner PCC – User Experience Platform Update was first posted on March 12, 2012 at 9:45 am.
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Gene Phifer spoke about the trends in what Gartner calls the User Experience Platform (UXP).  The big change from last year appears to be a split in the emerging UXP market into Suite vendors and Lean vendors.

Gartner sees many vendors, such as IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle expanding more and more into the Suite side of the market.  There are also emerging vendors in Suite side, including Adobe and Cisco.  On the lean side, we see vendors such as Liferay, Backbase, Drupal and DotNetNuke.

One of the key points I got out of Gene’s talk is to understand the ethos, or character, of the various vendor products.  Gene offers the following ethos for each vendor.

  • Vendor -> Ethos
  • Adobe -> Customer
  • Cisco -> Collaboration
  • IBM -> Customer; Employee
  • Oracle -> Business Apps/Process
  • MS -> Collaboration
  • SAP -> Business Apps/Process

The ethos doesn’t mean that a vendor can’t play in another space, but it may be more challenging.

Gene offers the follow strategies to address UXP in the future:

  • Take inventory of portal and portal-like technologies and efforts in your enterprise
  • Establish governance early, including processes, teams and executive sponsorship
  • Improve design processes as precursor to UXP adoption
  • Gather Feedback from stakeholders
  • Capitalize on widget and gadget integration via RESTful approaches
  • Plan for an onslaught of mobile requirements
  • Verify Alignment with Portal Vendor strategies
  • Devise a framework and establish standards to address ongoing portal and UXP initiatives.
  • Look at new sourcing strategies: buy  vs build vs hosting vs cloud

I asked about how Web Content Management vendors play in the UXP arena.  Gene responded that Personalization is really at the heart of a UXP.  Personalization is something portals do very well.  If you have a content management system that also does a good job of personalization, then that could be the basis of an excellent UXP platform.  See Adobe for an excellent example.  He thinks, and I agree, that we will see Web Content Management vendors becoming players in the UXP market.

Gartner PCC – User Experience Platform Update was first posted on March 12, 2012 at 9:45 am.
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Mobile Collaboration market accordng to Forrester /adobe-blog/2011/08/10/mobile-collaboration-market-accordng-to-forrester/ /adobe-blog/2011/08/10/mobile-collaboration-market-accordng-to-forrester/#comments Wed, 10 Aug 2011 20:50:50 +0000 Mobile Collaboration market accordng to Forrester was first posted on August 10, 2011 at 3:50 pm.
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Forrester has just released The Forrester Wave for Mobile Collaboration, which does a very good job of highlighting who the leaders are in this market.  The image below shows the Forrester Wave; you can access the full report at

What is interesting is that the report includes only those companies that have native applications on multiple mobile operating systems and have some sort of cloud-based solution.  Naturally this criteria is going to leave some companies out, like Apple, Microsoft, and RIM who target apps for one mobile OS.

Mobile Collaboration Wave

Mobile Collaboration Wave

The applications included in this Wave are somewhat of a melting pot.  Adobe’s Connect application is a leader and delivers web-based conferencing.  Comparing that application to Yammer, also a leader but more of a corporate-friendly Facebook, is kind of hard. is a file sharing and synchronizing application which is completely different than Connect or Yammer.

Still, the collaboration space is a very broad market consisting of a variety of application types.  It is good to see an evaluation of these different companies not based just on the product they deliver, but on many other factors, such as strategy and market presence.

Forrester rates the leaders in these categories as follows:

  • Current Offerings: Box, IBM, and Yammer
  • Strategy: Skype, Box, Cisco, and Yammer
  • Market Presence: Skype, Cisco, and Google

If you don’t have access to, you can read a quick review of this Wave on CMS Wire here.

Mobile Collaboration market accordng to Forrester was first posted on August 10, 2011 at 3:50 pm.
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Gartner PCC: The Future of Portals /adobe-blog/2011/03/31/gartner-pcc-the-future-of-portals/ /adobe-blog/2011/03/31/gartner-pcc-the-future-of-portals/#respond Thu, 31 Mar 2011 13:35:34 +0000 Gartner PCC: The Future of Portals was first posted on March 31, 2011 at 8:35 am.
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In a previous post, I talked about Gartners prediction of a “seismic shift” in the portal market.  In one of the last session of the Gartner Portal, Content & Collaboration 2011 Summit, Gene Phifer spoke about the future of portals.  Gene is convinced that the portal market (and mashup market) will be “subsumed” by a new User Experience Platform market around 2015.  There are plenty of reasons to see these markets moving to this new UXP market:

  • Organizations are demanding better user experiences in their portals.
  • They see consumerization driving other products and want it for their portals.
  • Mobile devices and the need for context-awareness are being demanded by users

What about cloud-based portals – is that in our future?  It certainly is!   Many vendors are starting to offer cloud-based portal systems. But beware!  The very nature of the portal is that it typically connects to a whole bunch of other systems in your organization behind your firewall.  So for a cloud-based portal to be effective, you will need to open up your internal systems to the cloud vendor and have some serious networking pipes. On the other hand, a cloud-based portal would be ideal to integrate your other cloud-based applications.

2015 is still a long way away, so what is happening between now and that future?  Here are the seven things that Gartner sees trending in the portal market over the next few years.

  • Analytics need to be implemented to help gauge the effectiveness of the portal.  There has been a recent flurry of acquisitions in the Web Analytics market by traditional and newer portal vendors
  • Portal-less Portals – there are several vendors beginning to offer portal type systems without claiming to be true portals.  Backbase is considered one of those vendors.  Adobe’s CQ5 could also qualify.
  • Portal ubiquity – portals will become more ubiquitous as unbind their services
  • Exploit context across more user attributes (aka enhanced personalization)
  • Widgets are becoming more important and portlets less-so
  • Mobile is becoming a key first consideration
  • The User Experience Platform begins to emerge as a set of cohesive, pre-integrated, highly user interactive services rather than a bunch of products loosely coupled together.

Finally, in terms of vendors, we have basically three major portal vendors today:  IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft.  Close behind are our open source friends Liferay and JBoss. As the market begins to move toward this UXP concept, we are going to see lots of other vendors emerge with UXP offerings.  Firms from the content management space are beginning to move toward UXP, as are firms in the Social Software, Mashups, Portal-less Portals and other Markets.

Here are some vendors to keep your eye on over the next few years:

IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Liferay, Redhat JBoss, Backbase, Adobe, Cisco, Google, Apple, United Planet, JackBe, NetVibes, Pageflakes, Fatwire, Extron, Automony, Drupal, DotNetNuke, Plone, Jive, Atlassian, Telligent, SocialText.


Gartner PCC: The Future of Portals was first posted on March 31, 2011 at 8:35 am.
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